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Projects: 圖片

Funded Projects

極端氣候下臺灣玉米生態系中鱗翅目害蟲、寄生蜂寄主與所感染Wolbachia間的生物防治應用:wCeep、 wNaw品系於秋行軍蟲本土天敵赤眼卵蜂與漿黑卵蜂間的寄主轉移與熱適應
Applications of parasitoids, its lepidopteran hosts and Wolbachia symbionts in agroecosystem in Taiwan: horizontal transfer and thermal adaptations within Spodoptera frugiperda, parasitoids Trichogramma and Telenomus spp. and wCeep、 wNaw infections

Funded total: 4,206,000 NTD (approximately $138,000)

Duration of the project: AUG/01 2022 - JUL/31 2025

Funded by Ministry Of Science and Technology (MOST 111-2313-B-020 -003 -MY3)

Thermal niche breadth variations and adaptations between Trichogramma, its pyralid moth hosts and Wolbachia symbionts in agroecosystem in Taiwan under extreme climate events

Funded total: 3,810,000 NTD (approximately $120,000)

Duration of the project: AUG/01 2019 - JUL/31 2022

Funded by Ministry Of Science and Technology (MOST 108-2313-B-020-010-MY3)

Evaluation and monitoring technology integrations for natural enemies of fall army worm

Funded total: 850,000 NTD (approximately $20,000)

Duration of the project: JAN/01 2021 - DEC/31 2021

Funded by Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (110農科-1.3.2-科-aE)

The impacts of extreme climate change on interactions between Trichogramma and its hosts and Wolbachia symbionts on native agroecosystem in Taiwan

Funded total: 2,742,000 NTD (approximately $80,000)

Duration of the project: NOV/01 2017 - JUL/31 2019

Funded by Ministry Of Science and Technology (MOST 106-2313-B-020-014-MY2)

Projects: 文字
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